The children’s day is filled with many opportunities to engage in discovery and play. The curriculum is carefully crafted to meet the developmental needs and interests of children ages 16 months to 5 years old. Art, Music, Dramatic Play, Block/Construction Play, Gross Motor Play, Literacy, Math and Science are the foundation of providing learning experiences that promote curiosity, love of learning and social/academic engagement. Our Judaic curriculum is interwoven throughout the day including the celebration of holidays, rituals, Jewish values and some Hebrew vocabulary building skills. Specials like Yoga, STEM, Gym and Music further enrich our program and help to broaden our children’s preschool experience.
Language Arts – Our well-planned program encourages the children to learn about the world around them. We believe that a solid foundation in language development promotes success in reading and writing. Children are encouraged to participate in discussions, take turns, listen to each other, use formal and informal language, and engage in play experiences using general and specific language.
Reading and Literature are important foundations for future educational endeavors. The children listen to a wide variety of age appropriate materials while developing a familiarity with the alphabet. Auditory discrimination and phonemic awareness are developed. Emergent writing skills are encouraged as well as oral descriptions.
Mathematics – Mathematical experiences occur throughout our daily classroom activities. The children learn to recite numbers, compare quantities, comprehend position, and match objects in
one-to-one correspondence. Hands on experiences promote mathematical understanding. Playing games, calendar time, estimating, reciting finger plays and action rhymes, arranging materials, and serving snacks are just a few of the methods used in reinforcing mathematical skills.
Science – Experimentation, investigation, and hands on activities help the children to explore the world around them. Children are encouraged to ask questions, make predictions, and record observations. Natural materials are compared, weather is discussed and recorded, and scientific phenomena are explored. Children are encouraged to use their five senses to explore their environment.
History and Social Science – Our children explore the beginning concepts of history and social sciences through experiences in their families, school, community, and country. We help our children to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need in community life as they cooperate, share, and respect the rules of their classrooms. The children become familiar with maps and globes; pictures of the President and the American flag; and the events leading to the celebrations of our national holidays.
Health Education – Physical activity and body movement are important foundations to lifelong learning in all areas. Gross and fine motor development is encouraged through a variety of age
appropriate activities and with our movement specialist.
The Arts – The children are encouraged to experiment with a variety of art materials. They are encouraged to create two and three-dimensional artwork as well as to select from a variety of materials. Music is offered on a daily basis both through listening and participating in a variety of activities. Children are encouraged to express themselves freely through song, movement, playing and creating instruments. Children listen to stories and tell stories; watch puppet shows and create puppet shows; they dress up in costumes and create characters. Dramatic play boxes are offered in a changing rotation.
Curriculum Enrichment – Through the generosity of the Parent Association, in combination with the Judy Gordon ELC we are pleased to provide a variety of enrichment programs to our curriculum. All of these Enrichment Presentations support our secular and Judaic curriculums. The special activities may include yoga, music with Stacey Peasley, gym and sports or STEM.
Our curriculum revolves around the Jewish holidays and Shabbat. Secular studies are combined with a rich Judaic curriculum. Readiness skills, social skills, music, art, and language are integrated with Jewish holidays and Bible stories.
Shabbat – We prepare for Shabbat every Friday. The candles are lit and the Kiddush is recited. All of the children participate in saying the appropriate blessings. Each Friday, the children join with Rav Hazzan Ken Richmond and Rabbi Raysh Weiss to participate in Shababa Metrowest. Rav Hazzan Richmond and Rabbi Weiss lead us in appropriate blessings, songs, and stories. We may even participate in Israeli dancing. It is a warm, special time for all. Guests are always welcome.
Jewish Holidays – Each holiday is observed with appropriate songs, stories, arts and crafts and food. The children study the historical significance of the holiday as well as any bible heroes
associated with each holiday.